Thursday, March 10, 2011

I have a dream

When I think of Civil Rights, it is hard to not think of the great Martin Luther King Jr. He was born on January 15th, 1929. His dad's name was Martin Luther King, Sr. His dad was a preacher. Martin Luther King, Jr, went to school at Booker T. Washington High. He was part of the debate team and traveled to different schools for the debates.

He married Coretta Scott and his dad performed the wedding services. They had four children together, Yolanda, Martin III, Dexter and Bernice. Martin Luther King Jr., was given roughly 14 honorary degrees from many collages and universities, as well as a few in from other countries.
He became president of the Montgomery Improvement Association. This was the organization that became known for the "Bus Boycott" for 381 days.

In April 4th, 1968, Martin Luther King Jr., was shot while he was standing on the balcony of the Lorraine Hotel in Tennessee.
He had been there to lead a march to protest against low wages and poor working conditions. James Earl Ray was later arrested in London, England for shooting him.

I can't imagine what it would be like to not have the freedom to go to the same bathroom as everyone else. Or sit wherever I wanted on a bus. But that is only the beginning of what African Americans had to go through. My mum always tells me to treat everyone the same. To not judge someone based on their RACE/RELIGION/AGE/CULTURE. I don't understand why people would "PRE"-judge someone. How do you do that? You don't know the person or anything.
I am thankful for people like my family, Martin Luther King Jr and many others, who have the courage to stand up for what is right. It is because of their example that I believe that EVERYONE has rights. We still can experience prejudice today, but I would like to believe that it has gotten a lot better.

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